Facundo Carbonel
Full-Stack Web Developer
Spanish / English
Montevideo, Uruguay
Time Zone
Formal Experience
Web Developer at Take-off Media
Sept. 2021 / Present
Application Support level 2 and 3 at Tata Consultancy Services
Feb. 2021 / Sept. 2021
Quality Assurance Tester (UAT) at Tata Consultancy Services
Jan. 2020 / Feb. 2021
Junior IT Technician at Tata Consultancy Services
Jul. 2019 / Jan. 2020
- React
- Next.js - Vite
- TailwindCSS
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDb
- Git
- TypeScript
- Docker - Kubernetes
- GitHub Actions
- GitLab CI
Hi there!
My name is Facundo and I’m a former Full-Stack web developer currently working at Take-off Media here on Uruguay.
I started studying Computer Sciense on 2013 at UTU, which is a public high-school level institute where you get specialized on a certain carrer; there I learned basic infrastructure, networking, development with Java and MySQL.
When I finished high-school I joined a tertiary degree of Software and Networking at UTU as well and finished it on mid 2022.
On 2019 I did a 3 month bootcamp of React and React Native on Hack Academy, where I fell in love with JavaScript and it’s ecosystem.
On that same year I got hired at TCS as a Junior IT Technician where I was trained on several subjects until I joined a QAT team where I did User Autentication Testing for more than a year
Then I switched to an App Support team where I took care of data fixes on the databases, deploying and maintaining clusters on the cloud, find errors over the logs, smoke test applications during deployments, etc. There I worked with technologies such as Splunk, Kubernetes, Docker, MongoDB, .NET, Angular, and many others.
On September 2021 I left TCS to join Take-off Media as a formal web developer. From then I had to work on multiple projects, from development to maintainance, with technologies such as Node.js, Vue JS, MongoDb, Docker, and many more.
A CLI Tool for database seeding with auto-generated data.
A QR code generator web app
A simple CLI for secure password generation.
Discord Bot to get alerts from your server through HTTP.
A winston implementation to make logs easy
A image to Base64 string converter
Fully typed NodeJS Syslog Server for ESM, CJS and Typescript.
A web portfolio, showcasing a AgustnÃn's great skills and creativity.